By entering into any relationship (intimate, business, family, friends) - we create a unique connection. That's when 1 + 1 = 3 principle works, as something new is born between two people. Often we do not understand why we feel somehow close to a person, or the opposite.
Each interaction has its own, special mechanics. It seems that this can be changed, but we see that in life everything is not so simple.
So, the Partnership Analysis will allow you to:
This Reading will allow you, through understanding the mechanics, to become aware of yourself and the other in a relationship, to be present to your life force without changing or adjusting yourself to fit into the models of behavior. As the result, the relationship will become more conscious and correct and of course will lead to satisfaction, peace, success and surprise for both of you.
For whom is this Partnership Reading?
If both partners have received a Reading, then I can read to you together. It is also possible for one person if the other is not ready or interested.
This Reading is only possible after receiving the Foundation for at least one of the partners.
If you have not yet received a Foundation Read, and you are interested in Partnership Analysis, I can offer you the Foundation Reading/Partnership Analysis Package. Write to me about that, ok?
Two formats:
Includes video (if meeting via Zoom) and audio recording.
Most of the Readings are possible only AFTER
the Foundation Reading
May be useful for your perspective
on the angles of the Self