We are All Born Unique - but Most of Us Die as Copies ...

So, how not to die as a copy?...

Well, first, you deeply realize that you're born unique, right? But since childhood, you have been, and continue to be influenced by external and internal factors. Are you aware of that, isn't it?

The Foundation Reading gives you information about what is your unique potential and how exactly you are influenced by the external world. I will use very specific words - words that will go way beyond linguistic meaning, they will touch the core of your Being, the cellular level. And everything you will receive in the Reading, will keep unpacking for you for years, while you will keep practicing and coming back to this information. Each time when you will listen to the recordings, it will awaken you to new facets of Yourself and your uniqueness!

In more detail, the Foundation Reading will give you:

  • a deep understanding of your Strategy of navigation in the world and your unique decision making process
  • knowing the ways to stability within and trust in Yourself
  • sense of your unstable sides that create resistance on the outside and stress on the inside
  • scenarios of how and where you are wasting your personal powers

You will come out of the Reading with a clear understanding of:

• How to be aware of influences, to awaken to your true nature, or simply - to live your life

• What stands on the way to Yourself

• Your role you are born to play, and life mission (original frequency)

• Dilemmas that are repeated throughout life

• ... and I am sure that there will be much more, depending on your questions, reactions and the level of Your openness

We will work with you one-on-one, based on your situation and take into account your specific request in the moment of our meeting.

I can blow up your mind, or on the contrary, I can bring you peace and satisfaction, all depending on your state of consciousness at the time of the Reading.

I will also suggest that you re-listen to the Reading, and come back to me after a while with questions and observations (included in the price).

Two formats:

  • Classic - around two hours, 222 €
  • Extended - around 3.5 - 4 hours, usually divided into 2 two-hour meetings, 369 €

!!! Both formats include follow-up meeting and Q&A !!!

Both formats cover same topics: your Strategy and Inner Authority, Profile, Definition, as well as fragments of Incarnation Cross and other layers.

The difference is in the level of details and nuances.

Includes video (if meeting via Zoom) and audio recordings.

Take This Human Design Guide,
You Might get jewels using it!
A Guide to Understand, to Make Sense and to Know the Basics of Human Design system
I created this Guide for you, based on the foundational principles of Human Design system, and inspired by your question and my love for Photoshop :)

You are welcome to download, and to use it in your daily practice of the system. In this Guide you will find all the main keynotes for Type, Inner Authorities, Centers, Profiles and more!

It's 100% free, just download and make a proper use of it!


May be useful for your perspective

on the angles of the Self



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