Human Design Sisterhood Retreat
10-14.10.24 | Crete
This is a call to our Human Design Sisters of all Types!

We inform, ask and invite you to an International Women Retreat, in the paradise island Crete.
Come and enjoy 5 days of pure BEING, investigating, and celebrating you!

We gather to experience and experiment with our designs, so we can
embody a deeper understanding and presence as our SELF.

We meet in a magical venue, with our own private beach to be ourselves together, and
to investigate being in a female form, so we can establish a new relationship with life.

Yin Yang and Beyond

is about living our feminine roles playfully in the perfect workshop of life, so
we can wake up in them and transcend!

When we are free of mind's identifications, ideas, and social attributes we naturally embody what
being a woman truly is, uniquely for us. There is no more need to try and fit ourselves into feminine homogenized patterns.

You are as you are, a one of a kind divine femininity.
Come and dis-cover it, and in that bring the future of relationships into the NOW.

Relationships based on being self are harmonious, satisfying, freeing and loving. We deserve it, and the world deserves us bringing them forth in living our best version.

Come and live your perfect relationship with Self and Life!

Come as You Are!

What we explore
  • 1
    The Aura and Femininity
    Yin-Yang in the 4 Types

  • 2
    Deconstructing women roles through Design
    Exploration of Type, Circuitry, Role Gates in the context of femininity
  • 3
    Correct to connect
    A deeper dive into the mystery of S&A

  • 4
    Just BE-Yin
    Living receptivity of form and expressing the new feminine Outer Authority
  • 5
    Enjoying Nature
    Spaces to connect via different elements
  • 6
    Back to Life
    Integrating Woman Design

A beach Retreat!

Our venue is a little haven, a comfortable private beach front Vila located in Ferma, (see more of the venue and food info and photos) in the island Crete in Greece.

Imagine us, the tribe of Women Design, relaxing in our satisfaction and success, in a tranquil paradise on a beautiful island. That's exactly what it will be!

We'll enjoy perfect Mediterranean weather, two amazing neighboring beachfront villas with a private beach, sauna, and delicious homemade Greek food delivered to us.

Evenings offer optional dinners at a nearby tavern, within walking distance, and plenty of time to enjoy each other's company.

The Schedule

Day 1 • 10.10 Thursday
17:00 Birthing the Circle – meeting in Aura
18:00 Out to dinner
20:00 Yin Yang Opening Ceremony
Day 2 • 11.10 Friday
8:30 Yoga & Movement session
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Deconstructing women roles through Type
12:00 Free time
13:30 Lunch
15:30 Deconstructing women roles through Circuitry
17:30 Free time
18:00 Out to dinner
20:00 Evening program
Day 3 • 12.10 Saturday
8:30 Yoga & Movement session
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Deconstructing women roles through role gates
12:00 Free time
13:30 Lunch
15:30 Correct to Connect – Strategy & Inner authority
17:30 Free time
18:00 Out to dinner
20:00 Cacao Ceremony and dancing

Day 4 • 13.10 Sunday

8:30 Yoga & Movement session

9:00 Breakfast

10:00 The New Feminine out of Inner Authority

12:00 Free time

13:30 Lunch

15:30 The New Feminine as Outer Authority

17:30 Free time

18:00 Out to dinner

20:00 Evening program

Day 5 • 14.10 Monday

8:30 Breakfast

9:30 Back to Life – Integrating woman design. Closing circle

11:00 Goodbyes

Your Facilitators:

Julia and Pavaka met when they both started their path as Human Design Guides in Israel, nearly a decade ago.

With time, their relationship evolved into several co-creation projects, this Woman Design Retreat being a cherry on the cake :)

Pavaka Halel Katzir
5\1 Emotional Manifestor (pure individual).

48 years old and walking the spiritual path since 20. I have been teaching and guiding people through different methods since 2004. Human Design entered my life 13 years ago.

I have been living it radically the last 11 years, and have been teaching and initiating people into it for 10 as a professional LYD Guide, Immersion facilitator and more. I keep mutating with the knowledge and creating different workshops and ways to make it accessible, my focus always being on the experiential embodiment of the knowledge.

Living my design radically has brought harmony and peace into my daily life and relationships, and has freed me from the suffering of mind and its psychological realm, so I know - it works!

I talk my walk, and strive to walk it together with more and more individuals who are ready to be present and enjoy being a free human in this time and age.

Julia Krakova
Julia is a 1/3 Emotional Quadright Projector, HD Analyst, Guide, and Teacher with over a decade of experience in this system. Born into a family of scientists, she possesses a natural ability to ask precise and insightful questions, enhancing her analysis of Human Design charts. Her multifaceted expertise allows her to cover aspects such as Personal and Relationship analysis, Family Dynamics, Child Development, Health (PHS), Business (BG5), and all possible Life Cycles.
Julia is the visionary founder of the International Human Design Festival and holds the distinction of being the first analyst to introduce HD to the Ministry of Education. Her teaching spans across 4 languages and multiple continents, delivering readings, in-depth coaching, and both private and group processing. She also provides certifications of the International Human Design School, shaping the next generation of Human Design professionals.
Dedicated to leading a conscious lifestyle, Julia continuously invests in her personal practice and discipline, honoring the wisdom of the body and the power of the mind. She has spent years in the East, practicing the foundational life principles that ensures a holistic approach to her guidance.

This commitment guarantees that she remains a clear and insightful guide, offering the best version of herself to those who seek her expertise. Choose to work with Julia and embark on a transformative journey guided by her knowledge and dedication!

Gal Meller aka Dj Sêlva is going to take case of the acoustic part of our Retreat. She sees music as medicine, and will take us into an Journey through different tunes, beats and cultures.
When she stars playing, the ceremony begins, time changes shape, and a door opens to a new story within.
Gal is also the founder of the Lunatic Tribe women Community and a facilitator for various types of feminine healing spaces.

Show Up and Be Your Self


+972 508 862 726


+421 919 212 117

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